Dedicated to the great trumpeter, author, educator and composer Ian Carr, who passed away on 25 February 2009, aged 75, the purpose of the Ian Carr & Nucleus website is to disseminate public information about and facilitate appreciation of the music of Ian Carr, Nucleus, The Rendell Carr Quintet, The United Jazz & Rock Ensemble, The New Jazz Orchestra, The EmCee Five and other associated musicians and bands. This website is an unofficial fan site and has no formal connection with the Ian Carr Trust.
This website is a non-commercial one. The materials contained on this website are provided for general information only and do not constitute any form of advice. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of any particular statement and accept no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on the information contained on this site. Links to other websites from these pages are for information only we accept no responsibility or liability for access to, or the material on any website which is linked from, or to, this website. By providing links to other websites, we do not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available at these websites, nor does a link (or image or text or logo reproduced with specific permission of the copyright owner) indicate any association with or endorsement by the linked site (or image copyright owner) to this site.
If you are the copyright owner of an image portrayed on this web site that has been used without permission and you object to its use, please email me at: elasticjazz@yahoo.co.uk and I will remove it immediately.
© The Ian Carr and Nucleus Web Site 2003, 2013, 2021. Save to the extent expressly permitted below, the content of these pages may not be reproduced or transmitted or made available on a network in whole or in part without the prior consent of the Webmaster of this site. These pages may be downloaded or printed for your personal and private use provided that you make no alteration to any of these pages and you do not use any part of the pages in any work or publication in whatever medium stored.
Thanks to the following for permission to reproduce images/texts/logos for use on this web site only,
and also for various help and support from:
Selina Carr, George Cole, Garry Corbett, Barry Fantoni, BGO Records, Cuneiform Records, George Foster, Hux Records Ltd, Jazz Journal, Jazz UK, MLP Ltd, Mood Records, Equinox Publishing Ltd,
Jack Goodwin, John Smallwood, Brian Smith, Spotlite Jazz, National Jazz Archive, Tom M. Ward, Nick White and everyone else who has contributed or assisted in the assembly of this website but especially to the late Ian Carr who enthusiastically supported this project and whose great music was the inspiration for it.